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Smart Garden overview 2019

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Smart Garden overview 2019Posted: Monday, June 24, 2019 [21:07:30] - 1
rootPosted by:rootMember Since:
June 16 2010
Posts: 361
This is an attempt to gather as much information in one place on DIY Smart Garden as of June, 2019

General schematic

Smart Garden overview 2019
Smart Garden network components connected to IAoT network. IAoT network can only communicate to one specific server on LAN and nothing else. IAoT nodes have no access to the Internet, each-other or any other Local Networks.
In-case one of the WiFi sensors got stolen and someone hacks the WiFi password - there will be no use for it as all IAoT nodes are in "jail".

WiFi Soil moisture sensors built on ESP8266, power controlled by ATtiny13A and all assembled on custom designed PCB.
More on sensor and schematics:

Raspberry Pi controls water sprinklers VIA relay module:
latest sprinkler:

Power to Raspberry Pi provided by APC PowerBackUPS and power for all water valve solenoids by a 12V 5A power supply.

Smart Garden overview 2019

Smart Garden overview 2019

Smart Garden overview 2019

This is not a full review of components by any means as system was build over a year and a half span and many things were changed over that time.
Main programming language to control RPi and process input is Perl.
Server used in this case is MacMini 2010 with Mac OS X Snow Leopard.

Smart Garden can be manually controlled locally as well as remotely VIA GUI but 98% of the time Smart Garden controlled by our software:

Smart Garden overview 2019

Soil moisture graphical data available by any range of dates:

Smart Garden overview 2019

Information on IAoT and why it is used:
CheersThere's no place like ~
RE: Smart Garden overview 2019Posted: Sunday, June 30, 2019 [01:40:27] - 2
Posted by:BenPosts: 1
Can you post the code used to control the irrigation system?
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