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Replacing a lens on ANNKE C500 camera

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Replacing a lens on ANNKE C500 cameraPosted: Saturday, April 3, 2021 [18:40:58] - 1
rootPosted by:rootMember Since:
June 16 2010
Posts: 361
Originally C500 camera comes with 2.8mm lens with 71.5 horizontal and 53 degrees vertical FOV.
Sometimes it is not enough and there is no options to order this camera with a wider view lens.

Replacing a lens on ANNKE C500 camera

Digging-in revealed a standard 12x0.5mm lens that is 17mm long.

Replacing a lens on ANNKE C500 camera

Replacing a lens on ANNKE C500 camera

Replacing a lens on ANNKE C500 camera

Replacing a lens on ANNKE C500 camera

Finding appropriate 1.8-2.1mm lens should not be a problem.

Housing made of PLA plastic and some alloy and it is roughly 70% empty.

Replacing a lens on ANNKE C500 camera

Replacing a lens on ANNKE C500 camera
Camera PCB is quite small

Replacing a lens on ANNKE C500 camera

Replacing a lens on ANNKE C500 camera

Ordered 2.1mm lens on eBay for under $11 delivered. Once it arrives we'll post an update.There's no place like ~
Arecont lensPosted: Monday, April 19, 2021 [10:47:10] - 2
rootPosted by:rootMember Since:
June 16 2010
Posts: 361
Lens PT-02118BMP from M12lenses focus is very inconsistent - side blurs are extensive even though it is listed for 1/3" sensor.

Bought another lens from B&H Photo and Video and it appears much clearer without any blur on a sides.
MPM2.1 M12-Mount 2.1mm Fixed Focal Lens from Arecont Vision.

Arecont lens

Arecont lens

Arecont lens

Calculated FOVs:
Horizontal: 112 degrees
Vertical: 77 degrees
original camera's FOVs:
Horizontal: 71.5 degrees
Vertical: 53 degrees

This is a capture for Arecont Vision lens:
Arecont lens
and this is for PT-02118BMP from M12lenses:

Arecont lens
Getting more lenses on order.There's no place like ~
RE: Replacing a lens on ANNKE C500 cameraPosted: Monday, April 19, 2021 [12:57:47] - 3
rootPosted by:rootMember Since:
June 16 2010
Posts: 361
Forgot to mention, eBay ordered lens is totally worthless. Peripheral focus is no good.
Ordered lens from M12Lenses cost me $27+ delivered.
Arecont Vision lens has F/1.8 aperture which is brighter than original F/2.0 while depth of field is almost as good as F/2.0.There's no place like ~
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