Leopard Lion Mavericks Monterey Snow Leopard Software

iCloud login notification

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macosx / sonoma     Views: 94Prev .. Next
iCloud login notificationPosted: Wednesday, March 13, 2024 [11:27:48] - 1
rootPosted by:rootMember Since:
June 16 2010
Posts: 361
Updating process to Sonoma OS was uneventful. All as usual - downloading and installing.
Apparently, a few issues popped-up after upgrade:
- iCloud notification to login was really irritating and appeared every minute or so.
- SSH password-less login stopped working with older Macs which is normal and was addressed promptly by upgrading OpenSSH to a newer version on old Macs.
iCloud login notification
iCloud was reasoned by disabling Apple update URLs in /etc/hosts file:
View Code127.0.0.1 swscan.apple.com gdmf.apple.com xp.apple.com configuration.apple.com swdist.apple.com setup.icloud.com securemetrics.apple.com
::1 swscan.apple.com gdmf.apple.com xp.apple.com configuration.apple.com swdist.apple.com setup.icloud.com securemetrics.apple.com

Very easy to do and can be temporary disabled for updates.There's no place like ~
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