General Information Applications Server Routing

Simple throttling for Guests network on pfSense

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Simple throttling for Guests network on pfSensePosted: Saturday, March 2, 2019 [23:00:18] - 1
rootPosted by:rootMember Since:
June 16 2010
Posts: 361
Internet access for for Guests network can simply be throttled so main network will not be impacted by heavy users visiting your house.
First we create a limiters for "In" and "Out" traffic using a Traffic Shapper:
Firewall -> Traffic Shaper -> Limiter

Post 51585618 Image 1

Click on "In" and click on Enable, give it a name and choose the bandwidth that will fit your needs:

Post 51585618 Image 2

repeat the same for "Out"

Post 51585618 Image 3

Then go to Rules:
Firewall -> Rules and choose "Floating" rules:

Post 51585618 Image 4

Create rules for "In" traffic:

Post 51585618 Image 5

Select proper Interface, direction, Internet protocol. It is best to use Alias for Source to properly target IP's or network.
In our case we have selected every IP connected to the Guests interface.

Post 51585618 Image 6

in advanced features select proper queue order. Keep in-mind In/Out reversed there.
Similarly create "Out" rules:

Post 51585618 Image 7

Do not forget to apply changes for rules to take effect.There's no place like ~
RE: Simple throttling for Guests network on pfSensePosted: Saturday, March 2, 2019 [23:13:51] - 2
rootPosted by:rootMember Since:
June 16 2010
Posts: 361
Note on Interfaces:
LAN - Home Office network has access to IOTS interface and has Internet access.
IOTS - has access to only one server on LAN. No Internet access
GUESTS - Has no access to IOTS or LAN networks, only throttled Internet access.

Here is LAN Speed Test:

Post 51586431 Image 1
and this is GUESTS throttled Speed Test:

Post 51586431 Image 2

It is working!
Tests performed on the same computer VIA WiFi.There's no place like ~
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